Thursday, January 25, 2018

Starbucks cites tax reform as reason for raises, expanded benefits, thousands of new jobs, Starbucks Bonuses, Announces Bonuses

Starbucks announced Wednesday it will spend $250 million on pay increases, new jobs, and stock options for its 150,000 partners at the company's stores, plants, and support centers starting Jan. 1.

The coffee cited "recent changes in the U.S. tax law" for its decision to boost employee benefits create 8,000 new retail jobs and 500 manufacturing positions at its Augusta, Ga., plant.

Starbucks will devote $120 million toward further boosting worker wages across the company.

On April 16 — day after the individual tax filing deadline — the company will give out $100 million in stock options to workers. Hourly retail employees will receive complimentary $500 stock shares. Store managers will receive $2,000.

Home Depot up to $1,000 bonuses to 400,000 workers because of Republican Tax Reform

A Home Depot employee said after attending a company meeting regarding the news 
(as reported by CNBC and not confirmed by Home Depot) 

Employees with 20 or more years will receive the full $1,000 bonus. 
Employees of 15 to 19 years will receive $750 
Employees of 10 to 14 years will receive $400, 
Employees of 5 to 9 years will receive $300,
Employees 2 to 4 years  $250, and new hires to those 
Employees with less than two years will receive a $200 

Note: the above may change, as no final exact figure has "Officially" been stated by Home Depot

Chief Executive Officer Craig Menear said in prepared remarks. "This incremental investment in our associates was made possible by the new tax reform bill. We are pleased to be able to provide this additional reward to our associates."

Side Note: I personally live in the NY Metro Area. I do understand the mindset of this area, also including those "Elitists" as people around the country may call them. When you are being paid over $100,000 or over $200,000 or more annually
When your weekly pay check gross is over $2,000 or over $4,000 per week. What is $500? Many who make $100k will be happy with a $500 or $1,000 bonus.
Yes costs are much higher in the NY Metro area.

BUT in the rest of the country where pay is much lower and costs are much lower like Rapid City South Dakota. 
A $500 bonus could mean a week paycheck. $500 can go a very long way. 
I have friends around the world from my military days. Keeping in contact with them via Facebook, some of them are receiving a bonus. I can tell you first hand that they and their co workers are  extremely happy to be getting their bonuses. Even though Nancy Pelosi calls it "Crumbs" while she is making $193,000 a year from her salary as Minority House Rep.

Grumpy Cat wins $710,000 copyright lawsuit

Yes that is right, the grumpy cat isn't so grumpy now, at least its owners are not anymore. Bet they are smiling all the way to the bank with that $710,000 check.
Can you believe it a cat just made its owners that much money?
You better believe it, and even though there is no solid amount, it is specualtated the grumpy cat has made its owners anywhere between $1 MILLION to $100 MILLION
That much $$$$$$$$$ 
with that many 00000000s

How did it all start?
Grumpy cat = real name Tarder Sauce LOL, yes for real

Became a celebrity by capitalized on the popularity of memes in 2012 as a perpetual sourpuss. One of the most famous images of the cat, was quoted with the text  “I had fun once. It was awful.”

The cat was a cash cow with it's unexpected fame.
Her owner, Tabatha Bundesen of Morristown, Ariz quit her job waitressing at Red Lobster, according to the Hollywood Reporter. 

The owner later formed Grumpy Cat Limited.
The company has produced a line of branded clothing, pillows, mugs, pens, bags and books “written” by the unhappy cat, including a New York Times bestseller.

The cat has appeared on “Today,” “Good Morning America” and even “American Idol.” She has starred in a commercial for Honey Nut Cheerios and became an official “spokescat” for Nestle’s Friskies cat food in 2013. 

Also signed a lucrative deal with Grenade beverage company for “Grumpy Cat Grumppuccino.”

In 2015, the beverage company created a line of “Grumpy Cat Roasted Coffee,” which was not in the original deal. Grumpy Cat Limited filed a copyright lawsuit in federal court.

Grumpy Cat Limited also claimed that Grenade was also selling unauthorized Grumppuccino T-shirts which “blatantly infringe on the Grumpy Cat copyrights and Grumpy Cat trademarks”

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Car vs Excavator, Excavator crushes Car, Russian Car vs Excavator , Car Fail, Green Car vs Excavator

Watch this green car just get crushed to a ball of scrap metal by this excavator LOL

Press play on the picture to watch this YouTube video

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Chuck Schumer Shut Down, Shut Down, Shut Down Backfire, Backfire, Shut Down is over

Shut Down Backfired on 
Chuck Schumer.

For years the leftist media and people always backed what seemed anything the Dems did. 
No matter how bad the policies were for the American citizen.

Obamacare is the straw that slowly broke the camel's back. See as the media and liberals cried loudly how GREAT Obamacare passage was. One by One those same liberals who had to deal with, and were effected negatively by Obamacare started to see what the conservatives were speaking about. 
As Obamacare took more and more root liberals in the healthcare field saw how Obamacare didn't help but actually hurt patients they also started to understand what conservatives were speaking about.

Obama campaigned on no new wars, but started in Syria, after?? Yes after that same liberal media daily talked about why Obama does nothing about Syria. 

Trump is right. The media is one sided. Their side, they only care to sell newspaper or stories. Look at how many LIE in the news. They don't care about the truth, only their next $$$ yes next check.

I am grateful that the people in the country started to see the only way to undo the mess Obama and the Dems created was to elect a republican controlled government. 
I will not say we had a great choice, but this government will have to be given time to see if they can govern.

Since then and all the articles of late even in the liberal news how the Dems are making mistakes. Also pointing out what the Dems need to do and how to do it.
The Dems continue to use the same old playbook. BLAME THE REPUBLICANS
Yes, that is they playbook.
Rule #1 Blame the Republicans
Rule #2 no matter what use Rule #1

In the past republicans were blamed for shutdowns. Even if the Dems were at fault the leftist media overwhelms the conservative media, and pushes out the liberal dialogue. So the people consistently read its the Republicans fault. That is why the Republicans were so afraid under Obama era of a gov shutdown and caved so easily.
But remember the media only cares for #1 themselves. And they have learned after the Trump election and the republican landslide of 2016
that siding with the Dems 100% does not sell papers. 
The media will be for the most part on the side that sells ?
because how boring of a story if they agreed with everything.

But the Dems fail to see it, and thought they can turn another gov shutdown in a way to blame the republicans.

But as they say, you can only cry wolf so many times. The smart people are not buying the liberal dribble anymore, woke up after all those Obama scandals. 
And now the Dems have paid the price in Election loss after election loss. With more scandal after scandal.

This shutdown is 100% blamed on Chuck Schumer, where the Wall Street Journel evening calling it his shutdown.
MEMEs all over the internet blaming him, and how he chose illegal immigrants over pay for our soldiers.
This will absolutely hurt the Dems in all elections this year.
Mark our words, you will see this in every election news cycle come mid terms how the Dems shutdown the country over illegals when it was absolutely not needed to.

There was already unrest in the Dems, already Dems are in fighting over their massive loss to Trump over the shutdown. 

Trump's tweet this morning, "the shutdown tweet" is over. Just another jab at the failing Dems. And many already cheering!