Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"About Time", NFL, Goodell, calls on players to stand, Stand for Anthem, No Fun League, NFL players, Trump Tweets "about time"

Finally, after the NFL ratings have been down over 11% this year and the NFL has admitted ratings are down because of the players protest to the National Anthem by kneeling. NFL commissioner Goodell on Tuesday sent a memo to NFL executives and club presidents calling on players to "Honor our Flag" and stand for the national anthem

This is after Vice President Pence walked out of a NFL game last weekend at his home town after players refused to honor and stand for our national anthem.

Trump tweeted "It is about time that Roger Goodell of the NFL is finally demanding that all players STAND for our great National Anthem - RESPECT OUR COUNTRY

Roger Goodell said he is a stupid twit of a commissioner and should resign, but he is a chicken and needs the money. No he didn't actually say that, but because I dislike him and the players of the NFL for their stupidity of protesting and disrespecting my Flag and my Anthem, they can go kiss my A$$. 

Yours truly
Disabled Veteran from US Army